
GTC’s Degree Program Timeline:

In 1960 a training center was established in this far western region of Ethiopia that offered continuing education opportunities for church leaders and a lay leadership training program serving the Western Wollega Bethel Synod. 

In 1993, a two-year certificate program was established and the school was named Gidada Bible School. 

In 2012, in recognition of an expanded curriculum and greater demand for theological training, Gidada Bible School’s name was changed to Gidada Theological College and a 3-year diploma program began. 

By God’s continuing grace and blessing, the fall of 2022 brought the beginning of GTC’s 4-year Degree program, a long-awaited goal and answer to prayers. 

GTC faculty, graduates, synod officers, and their families celebrate becoming a 4-year degree program

Early Christian Training

According to history, all the Oromo that resided in Qellem (the present target area of Western Wollega Bethel Synod) followed traditional tribal religions until 1919.

When a devastating influenza epidemic occurred in 1918, United Presbyterian Church medical missionary Thomas Lambie led a team that arrived in Sayo (present-day Dembi Dollo) in 1919. By 1921, they had established a hospital and an elementary school (Berhane Yesus Elementary School) and offered a two-year biblical education to 150 people. It was out of this group that Gidada Solon was chosen for further training for evangelism. 

Gidada Solon and wife, Dinse Sholi

Gidada Theological College is named to honor the blind evangelist, Gidada Solon. ​Beginning in 1924 and in spite of his blindness, which was the result of smallpox, Gidada (along with other evangelists) traveled throughout Western Ethiopia teaching, preaching, and planting churches in many villages. [For a brief biography of Gidada Solon, click here or here.]

With the collapse of Ethiopia’s communist Derg Regime (1974-1991), a revival of Christian faith in the Western Wollega Province produced a great need for pastors and lay leaders, and Gidada Bible School was established in 1993 in memory of this great evangelist. 

Gidada uncompromisingly walked in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. It is the sole objective of this theological college to train evangelists and pastors who will uncompromisingly preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, following in the footsteps of the great evangelist and Pastor Gidada Solan!

Gidada Solon, April 1959, used in a John Milton Society newsletter, from The Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind
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